A downloadable tool

EDIT: JUST REALIZED THERE'S A WAY BETTER ARCHIVE! https://www.illusionofmana.art/Pribambase.html i'll leave this page up to guide ppl in that direction

the download on this page is only for 64bit windows and is pulled from the program files, whereas that archive has all builds in their original release formats.


Salvaged from my addon folders and tested on updated builds of both programs (works for the most part), here's a download of lampysprites's now-abandoned Pribambase. This might not have all the necessary files; please let me know (but like... not in an annoying way)

 This isn't a fork, I have no plans to touch the code. You can do that yourself: https://github.com/proteanblank/pribambase


pribambase_2-5-1.zip 1 MB

Install instructions

(assuming Windows)

"pribambase" folder goes in AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\<version>\scripts\addons

aseprite extension goes in Aseprite\data\extensions